Friday, September 4, 2009

The Answer To Drugs


People have used drugs for as long as they have tried to ease pain and avoid problems. Since the early 1960s, however, drugs have been in very widespread use. Before that time they were rare. A worldwide spread of drugs occurred during that decade, and a large percentage of people became drug-takers.

By drugs (to mention a few) are meant tranquilizers, opium, cocaine, marijuana, peyote, amphetamines and the psychiatrist’s gifts to man, LSD and angel dust, which are the worst. Any medical drugs are included. Drugs are drugs. There are thousands of trade names and slang terms for these drugs. Alcohol is also classified as a drug.

Drugs are supposed to do wonderful things but all they really do is ruin the person.

Drug problems do not end when a person stops taking drugs. The accumulated effects of drug-taking can leave one severely impaired, both physically and mentally. Even someone off drugs for years still has “blank periods.” Drugs can injure a person’s ability to concentrate, to work, to learn—in short, they can shatter a life.

Yet though the dangers and liabilities of drugs are blatantly obvious and increasingly well documented, people continue to take them.


When a person is depressed or in pain, and where he finds no physical relief from treatment, he will eventually discover for himself that drugs remove his symptoms.

This is also true for pains which are “psychosomatic.” The term “psychosomatic” means the mind making the body ill or illnesses caused through the mind. “Psycho” refers to “mind” and “soma” refers to “body.”

In almost all cases of psychosomatic pain, illness or discomfort the person has sought some cure for the upset.

When he at last finds that only drugs give him relief, he will surrender to them and become dependent upon them, often to the point of addiction.

Years before, had there been any other way out, most people would have taken it. But when they are told there is no cure, that their pains are “imaginary,” life tends to become insupportable. They then can become chronic drug-takers and are in danger of addiction.

The time required to make an addict varies, of course. The complaint itself may only be “sadness” or “weariness.” The ability to face life, in any case, is reduced.

Any substance that brings relief or makes life less a burden physically or mentally will then be welcome.

In an unsettled and insecure environment, psychosomatic illness is very widespread.

So before any government strikes too heavily at spreading drug use, it should recognize that it is a symptom of failed psychotherapy. The social scientist, the psychologist and psychiatrist and health ministers have failed to handle spreading psychosomatic illness.

It is too easy to blame the drug problem on “social unrest” or the “pace of modern society.”

The hard, solid fact is that until now there has been no effective psychotherapy in broad practice. The result is a drug-dependent population.

Drug users have been found to have begun taking drugs because of physical suffering or hopelessness.

The user, driven by pain and environmental hopelessness, continues to take drugs. Though he doesn’t want to be an addict, he doesn’t feel that there is any other way out.

However, with proper treatment, drug dependency can be fully handled.

As soon as he can feel healthier and more competent mentally and physically without drugs than he does on drugs, a person ceases to require drugs.

Drug addiction has been shrugged off by psychiatry as “unimportant” and the social problem of drug-taking has received no attention from psychiatrists—rather the contrary, since they themselves introduced and popularized LSD. And many of them are pushers.

Government agencies have failed markedly to halt the increase in drug-taking and there has been no real or widespread cure.

The liability of the drug user, even after he has ceased to use drugs, is that he “goes blank” at unexpected times, has periods of irresponsibility and tends to sicken easily.

Scientology technology has been able to eradicate the major damage in persons who have been on drugs as well as make further addiction unnecessary and unwanted.

Scientology has no interest in the political or social aspects of the various types of drugs or even drug-taking as such. Drugs, however, pose a growing threat to mental and spiritual advancement—which is the true mission of Scientology.

Thus, Scientology contains an exact technology which not only gets a person painlessly off drugs but handles their physical, mental and spiritual effects and locates and fully resolves the reason underlying a person’s drug-taking. Nothing else can do this with certainty.


Drugs essentially are poisons. The degree they are taken determines the effect. A small amount gives a stimulant (increases activity). A greater amount acts as a sedative (suppresses activity). A larger amount acts as a poison and can kill one.

This is true of any drug. Each requires a different amount.

Caffeine is a drug, so coffee is an example. One hundred cups of coffee would probably kill a person. Ten cups would probably put him to sleep. Two or three cups stimulates. This is a very common drug. It is not very harmful as it takes so much of it to have an effect. So it is known as a stimulant.

Arsenic is known as a poison. Yet a tiny amount of arsenic is a stimulant, a good-sized dose puts one to sleep and a few grains kills one.

But there are many drugs which have another liability: they directly affect the mind.

In order to have a good understanding of the mental effects of drugs, it is necessary to know something about what the mind is. The mind is not a brain. It is the accumulated recordings of thoughts, conclusions, decisions, observations and perceptions of a person throughout his entire existence. In Scientology it has been discovered that the mind is a communication and control system between a thetan and his environment. By thetan is meant the person himself, the spiritual being—not his body or his name, the physical universe, his mind, or anything else.

The most obvious portion of the mind is recognizable by anyone not in serious condition. This is the mental image picture.

Various phenomena connect themselves with this entity called the mind. Some people closing their eyes see only blackness, some people see pictures.

The thetan receives, by the communication system called the mind, various impressions, including direct views of the physical universe. In addition to this he receives impressions from past activities and, most important, he himself conceives things about the past and future which are independent of immediately present stimuli.

A person who has taken drugs, in addition to the physical factors involved, retains mental image pictures of those drugs and their effects. Mental image pictures are three-dimensional color pictures with sound and smell and all other perceptions, plus the conclusions or speculations of the individual. They are mental copies of one’s perceptions sometime in the past, although in cases of unconsciousness or lessened consciousness they exist below the individual’s awareness. For example, a person who had taken LSD would retain “pictures” of that experience in his mind, complete with recordings of the sights, physical sensations, smells, sounds, etc., that occurred while he was under the influence of LSD.

Let us say an individual took LSD one day while at a fairground with some friends, and the day’s experiences included feeling nauseated and dizzy, getting into an argument with a friend, feeling an emotion of sadness, and later feeling very tired. He would have mental image pictures of that entire incident.

At a later time, if this person’s environment were to contain enough similarities to the elements in that past incident, he may experience a reactivation of that incident. As a result he could feel nauseated, dizzy, sad and very tired—all for no apparent reason. This is known as restimulation: the reactivation of a past memory due to similar circumstances in the present approximating circumstances of the past.

Such mental image pictures can also be reactivated by drug residuals, as the presence of these drugs in the tissues of the body can simulate the earlier drug experiences.

Using the above example of the person who took LSD, sometime later— perhaps years afterward—the residuals of the drug that are still in his body tissues can cause a restimulation of that LSD incident. The mental image pictures are reactivated, and he experiences the same sensations of nausea, dizziness and tiredness, and he feels sad. He does not know why. He might also perceive mental images of the persons he was with and the accompanying sights and sounds and smells.

These are the effects on the mind of past drug usage. However, the current use of drugs creates a similar and more immediate effect on the mind.

When a person uses a drug such as marijuana, peyote, opium, morphine or heroin, mental image pictures of past times can “turn on” or restimulate below the individual’s conscious awareness, causing him to perceive something different than what is actually going on.

Thus, right there before your eyes, apparently in the same room as you are, doing the same things, the drug-taker is really only partially there and partially in some past events.

He seems to be there. Really he isn’t “tracking” fully with present time.

What is going on to a rational observation is not what is going on to him.

Thus, he does not understand statements made by another but tries to fit them into his composite reality, meaning a reality made up of different components. In order to fit them in, he has to alter them.

For example, a drug user may be sure he is helping one repair a floor that needs fixing, but in fact he is hindering the actual operation in progress which consists of cleaning the floor. So when he “helps one” mop the floor, he introduces chaos into the activity. Since he is repairing the floor, a request to “give me the mop” has to be reinterpreted as “hand me the hammer.” But the mop handle is longer than a hammer handle so the bucket gets upset.

This can be slight, wherein the person is seen to make occasional mistakes. It can be as serious as total insanity where the events apparent to him are completely different than those apparent to anyone else. And it can be all grades in between.

It is not that he doesn’t know what is going on. It is that he perceives something else going on instead of the present sequence of events.

Thus, others appear to him to be stupid or unreasonable or insane. As they don’t agree in their actions and orders with what he plainly sees is in progress, “they” aren’t sensible. Example: A group is moving furniture. To all but one they are simply moving furniture. This one perceives himself to be “moving geometric shapes into a cloud.” Thus, this one “makes mistakes.” As the group doesn’t see inside him and only sees another like themselves, they can’t figure out why he “balls things up so.”

Such persons as drug-takers and the insane are thus slightly or wholly on an apparently different time track of “present time” events.

A drug may be taken to drive a person out of an unbearable present time or out of consciousness altogether.

In some persons they do not afterward return wholly to present time.

A thetan can also escape an unbearable present time by dropping into the past, even without drugs.

The drug-taker and the insane alike have not recovered present time, to a greater or lesser degree. Thus they think they are running on a different time track than they are.

These are the underlying facts in odd human behavior.

As what is going on according to the perception and subjective reality of such a person is varied in greater or lesser degree from the objective reality of others, such a person disturbs the environment and disrupts the smooth running of any group—from family to business to nation.

We have all known such a person, so it is not uncommon in the current civilization. The sudden remark which makes no sense, totally out of context with what is being spoken about; the blank stare when given an order or remark—behind these lies a whole imaginary world which is jarred by our attempts to get something done in present time.

The repercussions of drugs then, go far beyond their immediate effects and often influence many others besides the user. The consequences can be very harmful. This is true not only of illegal street drugs but also of medical drugs that are supposed to help people.


Doctors and others prescribe painkillers such as aspirin, tranquilizers, hypnotics and soporifics (sleep-inducing drugs) in an understandable wish to relieve pain.

However, it has never been known in chemistry or medicine exactly how or why these things worked. Such compositions are derived by accidental discoveries that “such and so depresses pain.”

The effects of existing compounds are not uniform in result and often have very bad side effects.

As the reason they worked was unknown, very little advance has been made in biochemistry—the chemistry of life processes and substances. If the reason they worked were known and accepted, possibly chemists could develop some actual painkillers which had minimal side effects.

Pain or discomfort of a psychosomatic nature comes from mental image pictures created by the thetan which press against and affect the body. For example, a mental image picture of a past incident in which an arm was broken can be reactivated in the present, impinging on the body and causing pain in that same arm.

By actual clinical test, the actions of aspirin and other pain depressants are to:

A. Inhibit the ability of the thetan to create mental image pictures and also

B. To impede the electrical conductivity of nerve channels.

As a result, the thetan is rendered stupid, blank, forgetful, delusive and irresponsible. He gets into a “wooden” sort of state, unfeeling, insensitive, unable and definitely not trustworthy, a menace to his fellows actually.

When the drugs wear off or start to wear off, the ability to create mental image pictures starts to return and turns on somatics (body sensations, illnesses or pains or discomforts) much harder. One of the answers a person has for this is more drugs. To say nothing of heroin, there are aspirin addicts. The compulsion stems from a desire to get rid of the somatics and unwanted sensations again. The being gets more and more wooden, requiring more and more quantity and more frequent use.

Sexually it is common for someone on drugs to be very stimulated at first. But after the original sexual “kicks,” the stimulation of sexual sensation becomes harder and harder to achieve. The effort to achieve it becomes obsessive while it itself is less and less satisfying.

The cycle of drug restimulation of pictures (or creation in general) can be at first to increase creation and then eventually inhibit it totally.

If one were working on the problem of pain relief biochemically, the least harmful pain depressant would be one that inhibited the creation of mental image pictures with minimal resulting “woodenness” or stupidity and which was body-soluble (easily dissolved in the body) so that it passed rapidly out of the nerves and system.

There are unwanted sensations that drugs block off, but there is a whole sector of desirable sensations, and drugs block off all sensations.

The only defense that can be made for drugs is that they give a short, quick oblivion from immediate agony and permit the handling of a person to effect repair. But even then this is applicable to persons who have no other system to handle their pain.

Dexterity, ability and alertness are the main things that prevent getting into painful situations. These all vanish with drugs. So drugs set you up to get into situations which are truly disastrous and keep you that way.

One has a choice between being dead with drugs or being alive without them. Drugs rob life of the sensations and joys which are the only reasons for living anyhow.


When the world went into heavy drug abuse, the problem of drying out became one of the first order. All pre-Scientology efforts to help drug users failed—and had been failing throughout man’s history.

However, workable solutions have been developed in Scientology which enable a person not only to cease drug use, but to reach and eradicate the root causes which started him or her down that dark road.

Drugs can extract a dreadful price from the user should he ever try to quit.

What is called withdrawal symptoms set in. These are the physical and mental reactions to no longer taking drugs. They are ghastly. No torturer ever set up anything worse.

The person had this problem then:

A. Stay on drugs and be trapped and suffering from here on out, or

B. Try to come off the drugs and be so agonizingly ill meanwhile that he couldn’t stand it.

This was a dead-if-you-do, dead-if-you-don’t sort of problem.

Medicine did not solve it adequately. Psychotherapy was impossible.

Two approaches now exist to this withdrawal problem, both of which should be used:

1. Nutritionist experiments indicate that vitamins and minerals assist the withdrawal.

2. Light Objective Processes ease the gradual withdrawal and make it possible.

A process is an exact series of directions or sequence of actions taken to accomplish a desired result. Its application is called processing. There are many processes contained in the materials of Scientology which can be used to help a person direct his attention off himself and onto his environment and the people and things in it—an action which is very therapeutic for someone coming off drugs. These are called Objective Processes. When properly used, they ease the person’s symptoms and make drug withdrawal possible with a minimum of discomfort.

Objective refers to outward things, not the thoughts or feelings of the individual. Objective Processes deal with the real and observable. They call for the person to spot or find something exterior to himself in order to carry out the procedures.

The Objective Processes referred to here are called “light” Objective Processes in that they are simpler and less advanced than other Objective Processes which exist in Scientology.

The details of how to use these two approaches to getting someone unhooked from drugs follow. If you know someone who is dependent on drugs, you can help him withdraw from them by applying the principles and techniques given here.

On severe cases of drug addiction one should send the person to a qualified medical doctor for examination to determine if there are any special precautions that may need to be taken for that particular person.

Some persons may have been put on some therapeutic drug by a medical doctor and possibly should remain on it. But these are not the usual drugs we are dealing with. It is up to the person and the doctor what should be done in such cases.

Nutritional Data

According to world-renowned nutritionist Adelle Davis, vitamin therapy has had success in handling withdrawal symptoms.

Instead of just telling the person to break off drugs with all that suffering and danger of failure, the patient is given heavy doses of vitamins. The data is repeated here for information.

The Drug Bomb

A vitamin formula called the “drug bomb” has been found effective in combating the effects of withdrawal. It consists of:

1,000 milligrams of niacinamide (not nicotinic acid). This helps counteract any mental disturbance.

5,000 IU of vitamin A.

400 IU of vitamin D.

800 IU of vitamin E.

2,000 milligrams of vitamin C.

500 milligrams of magnesium carbonate (to make the vitamin C effective).

25 milligrams of B6.

200 milligrams of B complex.

300 milligrams of B1.

100 milligrams of pantothenic acid.

This formula should be given four times a day while a person is coming off drugs, roughly every six hours.

It should not be taken on an empty stomach, as it could cause stomach burn. It should be taken after meals or, if taken between meals, with yogurt.

Great caution must be taken to give the dose in such a way that the vitamins will not corrode the stomach. If this is neglected, the person can be given a false duodenal (upper intestine) ulcer and will be unable to continue the treatment. Drug users are usually in terrible physical condition anyway. Thus, the vitamins would have to be in “enteric coated” tablets, meaning an intestinal shielding must be on the pills so they gradually dissolve and don’t hit the sensitive upper stomach hard enough to corrode it.

Thus, milk with powdered amino acids in it would have to be given to wash the pills down.

In testing these recommendations, stomach corrosion (wearing away) from the vitamin formula was the main barrier noted.

If the formula is given without any cushion, the person can (a) feel too full after eating, (b) have a stomachache, (c) have a burning sensation, (d) the exterior of the stomach can get sore. These are all stomach ulcer symptoms.

If such symptoms turn on, end off the vitamins. Aluminum hydroxide tablets chewed up and swallowed in milk each time the symptoms start will ease the stomach. Powdered amino acids, yogurt and milk must then be given until the stomach gets better.

The potential benefits of the drug bomb far outweigh any possible drawbacks and so it has much value. The difficulties and agonies of withdrawal are the primary failure point in trying to salvage a being from the insanity of drugs.

Calcium and Magnesium

Used in conjunction with the drug bomb, there is an additional method of alleviating drug withdrawal symptoms which involves use of the minerals calcium and magnesium.

Muscular spasms are caused by lack of calcium. Nervous reactions are diminished by magnesium.

Calcium does not go into solution in the body and is not utilized unless it is in an acid.

Tests for other uses than drug reactions brought about the means of getting calcium into solution in the body along with magnesium so that the results of both could be achieved. The answer was to add vinegar, which would provide the acidic formula needed.

The result was a solution which proved to be highly effective, named the “Cal-Mag Formula.”

The use of Cal-Mag, experimental in the early 1970s to help ease withdrawal symptoms, is now long past the experimental stage. Cal-Mag has been used very effectively during withdrawal to help ease and counteract the convulsions, muscular spasms and severe nervous reactions experienced by an addict when coming off drugs.

The Cal-Mag Formula uses a ratio of one part elemental magnesium to two parts elemental calcium, mixed with vinegar in water.

As the formula calls for precise amounts of calcium and magnesium, some further explanation of these quantities should be given here.

The Cal-Mag Formula is made using the compounds calcium gluconate and magnesium carbonate. Both of these come in white, powdery form. Each is a compound of different substances. In other words, calcium gluconate contains other substances besides calcium; it is not all pure calcium but contains only a percentage of pure elemental calcium. Similarly, magnesium
carbonate contains other substances besides magnesium, and includes only a percentage of pure elemental magnesium.

But it is the amount of elemental magnesium in correct ratio to the amount of elemental calcium that is important in the preparation of the Cal-Mag Formula. This does not mean that you use pure magnesium or pure calcium when you make Cal-Mag. Use only calcium gluconate and magnesium carbonate.

Magnesium Carbonate: The desired compound for Cal-Mag, called magnesium carbonate basic, contains 29 percent magnesium. (This compound is also sometimes called magnesium alba.)

There are different magnesium compounds with different percentages of elemental magnesium, but using any kind other than that recommended here will give varying amounts of magnesium which will violate the needed ratio of one part magnesium to two parts calcium.

It is magnesium carbonate basic, containing 29 percent elemental magnesium which is used in making Cal-Mag. And it is essential to ensure that the magnesium carbonate basic which is used is fresh, not old.

Calcium Gluconate: There is only one kind of calcium gluconate compound and 9 percent of that compound is calcium, so there is no problem in selecting the correct calcium gluconate compound for the Cal-Mag preparation.

The ingredients can be obtained in most health food stores or where vitamins are sold.

To prepare Cal-Mag:

1. Put 1 level tablespoon (15 ml) of calcium gluconate in a normal-sized glass.

2. Add ½ level teaspoon (2.5 ml) of magnesium carbonate.

3. Add 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of cider vinegar (at least 5 percent acidity).

4. Stir it well.

5. Add ½ glass (about 120 ml) of boiling water and stir until all the powder is dissolved and the liquid is clear. (If this doesn’t occur it could be from poor grade or old magnesium carbonate.)

6. Fill the remainder of glass with lukewarm or cold water and cover.

You can make larger quantities at one time, simply by multiplying all the ingredients accordingly. The solution will stay good for two days.

It can be made wrongly so that it does not dissolve. Variations from the above produce an unsuccessful mix that can taste pretty horrible.

(Note, again, that the ratio is one part elemental magnesium to two parts elemental calcium. If one wants to work this out precisely, one can work out the elemental amounts. The formula above has been given for the compound amounts.)

Anything from one to three glasses of this a day, with or after meals, replaces any tranquilizer. It does not produce the drugged effects of tranquilizers (which are quite deadly).

It has proven effective in helping to handle the muscular spasms, tics and nervous reactions that can occur as a result of drug withdrawal.

It should be mentioned that many health food stores do carry premixed preparations of calcium and magnesium. Before using any of these in place of Cal-Mag, one should read the label to see if the calcium and magnesium are given in correct proportions and check if it contains acid (such as ascorbic acid or citric acid). Otherwise, such preparations are worthless and will not give the same results as the Cal-Mag Formula.

Objective Processes

In addition to nutritional handling, the other approach to the drug withdrawal problem consists of Objective Processes.

Because drugs tend to push a person into experiences of the past and stick his attention in these moments, processes which pull more of a person’s attention outward help unstick him from the past.

There are many Objective Processes in Scientology which accomplish this.

Objective Processes help a person get into present time and become more aware of his surroundings and other people and away from past problems. The more a person is able to face the present, and not be stuck in the past, the more he can enjoy life. He can be in better communication with his environment as it exists, not as it once was. This is worthwhile for anyone to achieve, but for someone who has been heavily on drugs and suffered their ill effects it can be a revelation.

Five Objective Processes are included here.

It is best to do these processes in a quiet place, free of distraction or interruption and with enough time to do the process until the person being helped has good indicators and has had a cognition. Indicators are conditions or circumstances arising during a process which indicate (point out or show) whether it is going well or badly. The person looking brighter or more cheerful, for example, has good indicators. A cognition is a new realization about life. It is a “What do you know, I...” statement; something a person suddenly understands or feels.

These processes are given to the person in addition to the drug bomb and Cal-Mag. They are very effective when given several times a day to help get the person through the period of withdrawal from drugs, which usually takes about a week or less. For example, a person could be given one of these processes in the morning, and some hours later he could be given another. A person going through withdrawal often sleeps considerably more than usual, especially at the beginning of such a program. Therefore, one would not go at this too strenuously; giving the person two or three of these Objective Processes each day should be sufficient to get a result.

“Notice That”

This process directs a person’s attention off his body and out onto the environment. The procedure is as follows:

1. Tell the person you are going to process him and briefly explain the procedure.

2. The command used is:

“Notice that _______________ (indicated object).”

Ensure he understands it.

3. Indicate an obvious object by pointing to it. Tell the person, “Notice that _______________ (object).”

4. When the person has done so, acknowledge him by saying, “Thank you” or “Okay” or “Good,” etc.

5. Continue giving the command, directing the person’s attention to different objects in the environment. Be sure to acknowledge the person each time after he has carried out the command.

For example, say: “Notice that chair.” “Thank you.” “Notice that window.” “All right.”

“Notice that floor.” “Very good.”

And so on.

6. Continue the process until the person being helped has good indicators and has had a cognition.

You can end the process at this point. Tell the person, “End of process.”

A Havingness Process

Havingness is the feeling that one owns or possesses. It can also be described as the concept of being able to reach or not being prevented from reaching. This process puts a person’s attention onto the environment so he can have it. The procedure is as follows:

1. Tell the person you are going to process him and briefly explain the procedure.

2. The command used is:

“Look around here and find something you could have.”

Ensure he understands it.

3. Give the command, “Look around here and find something you could have.”

4. When the person has done so, acknowledge him by saying, “Thank you” or “Okay” or “Good,” etc.

5. Continue giving the command. Be sure to acknowledge the person each time after he has carried out the command.

For example, say:

“Look around here and find something you could have.”

“Thank you.”

“Look around here and find something you could have.”


“Look around here and find something you could have.”

“All right.”

“Look around here and find something you could have.”

“Very good.”

And so on.

6. Continue the process until the person being helped has good indicators and has had a cognition. You end the process at this point. Tell the person, “End of process.”

“Touch That”

This process is done with both persons walking about, or if the person being helped is not able to walk, they may be seated at a table with a number of objects scattered on its surface. The procedure is as follows:

1. Tell the person you are going to process him and briefly explain the procedure.

2. The command used is:

“Touch that _______________ (indicated object).”

Choose different objects in the room for the person to touch. Ensure the person understands the command.

3. Give the command, “Touch that _______________ (indicated object).”

4. When the person has done so, acknowledge him.

5. Continue giving the command. Be sure to acknowledge the person each time after he has carried out the command.

For example, say:

“Touch that table.”

“Thank you.”

“Touch that chair.”


And so on.

6. Continue the process until the person being helped has good indicators and has had a cognition. You end the process at this point. Tell the person, “End of process.”

Touch and Let Go on Room Objects

This is a very good technique and will raise the person’s reality on the objects in the room. The procedure is as follows:

1. Tell the person you are going to process him and briefly explain the procedure.

2. The commands used are:

a. “What in the room is really real to you?”

b. “Go over and touch it.”

c. “Now let go of it.”

Ensure he understands them.

3. Give the command, “What in the room is really real to you?”

4. When the person has answered, acknowledge him.

5. Then give the next command, “Go over and touch it.”

6. When the person has done so, acknowledge him.

7. Then give the next command, “Now let go of it.”

8. When the person has done so, acknowledge him.

9. Continue giving the commands in this sequence: a, b, c, a, b, c, etc. Be sure to acknowledge the person each time after he has carried out the command.

For example, say:

“What in the room is really real to you?”

“Thank you.”

“Go over and touch it.”


“Now let go of it.”

“All right.”

“What in the room is really real to you?”

“Very good.”

And so on.

10. Continue the process until the person being helped has good indicators and has had a cognition. You end the process at this point. Tell the person, “End of process.”

‘‘Become Curious About That”

This is a basic Objective Process and is very simple. The procedure is as follows:

1. Tell the person you are going to process him and briefly explain the procedure.

2. The command used is:

“Become curious about that.”

Ensure he understands it.

3. Indicate an object in the room by pointing at it and say, “Become curious about that.”

You don’t call the object by name, you just indicate it. You don’t say, “Become curious about that chair.”

4. When the person has done so, acknowledge him by saying, “Thank you” or “Okay” or “Good,” etc.

5. Continue the procedure giving the command. Be sure to acknowledge the person each time after he has carried out the command.

For example, say:

“Become curious about that.” (Indicate an object.)

“Thank you.”

“Become curious about that.” (Indicate an object.)


“Become curious about that.” (Indicate an object.)

“All right.”

“Become curious about that.” (Indicate an object.)

“Very good.”

And so on.

6. Continue the process until the person being helped has good indicators and has had a cognition. You end the process at this point. Tell the person, “End of process.”


Once a person has been gotten off drugs, other factors must be addressed in order to achieve a full recovery.

This applies to any former drug user, whether the person has recently withdrawn from drugs or stopped using them years earlier. It applies to persons who were never “hard drug users” as well as those who were.

The Purification Program

We live in a chemical-oriented society. One would be hard put to find someone in the present-day civilization who is not affected by this fact. The vast majority of the public is subjected every day to the intake of food preservatives and other chemical poisons including atmospheric poisons, pesticides and the like. Added to this are the pain pills, tranquilizers and other medical drugs used and prescribed by doctors. And we have as well the widespread use of marijuana, LSD, angel dust and other street drugs which contribute heavily to the scene.

In 1977, L. Ron Hubbard discovered that LSD apparently stays in the system for years after the person took it, lodging in the tissues—mainly the fatty tissues of the body—and is liable to go into action again, giving the person unpredictable “trips.”

The “restimulation” experienced by people who had been on LSD appeared to act as if they had just taken more LSD.

From subsequent research it appears that not only LSD but other chemical poisons and toxic substances, preservatives and pesticides, as well as medical drugs and the long list of heavy street drugs (angel dust, heroin, marijuana, etc.) can lodge in the tissues and remain in the body for years.

Even medicinal drugs such as diet pills, codeine, Novocain and others have gone into restimulation years after they were taken and had supposedly been eliminated from the body.

Thus it seems that any or all of these hostile biochemical substances can get caught up in the tissues and their accumulation probably disarranges the biochemistry and fluid balance of the body.

The consequences are numerous. Tests show that the learning rate of a person who has been on drugs is much lower than a nondrug person. And the memory of a person who has been on drugs is such as to remove him from fear of consequences.

The being (thetan) of course has mental image pictures of these toxic substances and as long as those substances are in the body, they can restimulate a being. When they are gone from the body, the constant restimulation can cease. So it is actually a spiritual action that is being done.

In Scientology, we have an effective method to cleanse the body of these substances; it is called the Purification program, and it will benefit anyone who lives in this society so inundated with toxins and chemicals.

The Purification program is a tightly supervised regimen which includes:


Sauna sweat-out

Nutrition, including vitamins, minerals, etc., as well as oil intake

A properly ordered personal schedule.

Exercise: The exercise on this program is in the form of running. The purpose of this is not to generate sweat but to get the blood circulating and the system functioning so that impurities held in the system can be released and are pumped out.

Sauna sweat-out: Following the running, the person goes into the sauna to sweat. The impurities can now be dispelled from the body and leave the system through the pores.

Nutrition (including vitamins, minerals and oil intake): When we speak of nutrition we are not talking only about food, but about vitamins and minerals as well, as these are vital to proper nutrition and vital to the effectiveness of this program. We are not, however, talking about “diet” in the overused sense of the word. The person simply eats what he normally eats. He should make sure he gets some vegetables and that the vegetables aren’t overcooked.

Toxic substances tend to lock up mainly, but not exclusively, in the fat tissue of the body. The theory, then, is that one could replace the fat tissues that hold these toxic accumulations. The body will actually tend to hold on to something it is short of. Thus, if you try to get rid of something it is short of, it won’t give it up. So, in the matter of oil, if the person takes some oil, the body might possibly exchange the good oil for the bad fat in the body. That is the basic theory. There are particular vegetable oils which are used for this purpose.

One of the things that toxins and drugs do is create nutritional deficiencies in the body in the form of vitamin and mineral deficiencies. It is easily seen that there is a wide range of toxic substances which create nutritional deficiencies. Alcohol, for example, depends for its effects on a person being able to burn up vitamin B1. When it burns up all the B1 in the system the person goes into dt’s (delirium tremens) and nightmares.

In the case of other toxic substances the probability exists that other vitamins besides B1 are burned up. What we seem to have hit on here is that the LSD and street drugs burn up not only B1 and B complex (which we assume they do) but also create a deficiency in niacin in the body and that they possibly depend on niacin (one of the B complex vitamins) for their effect.

Niacin is essential to nutrition and vital to the effectiveness of the Purification program. It can produce some startling and, in the end, very beneficial results when taken properly on the program, along with the other necessary vitamins and minerals in sufficient and proportionate quantities and along with proper running and sweat-out. Taken in sufficient quantities it appears to break up and unleash LSD, marijuana and other drugs and poisons from the tissues and cells. It can rapidly release LSD crystals into the system. Running and sweating must be done in conjunction with taking niacin to ensure the toxic substances it releases actually do get flushed out of the body.

A properly ordered personal schedule: It is important that a person on this program maintains a properly ordered personal schedule. This means that once one has started on the program he must stick to it sensibly and not skip days or do it in a random fashion. It also means that one should get enough sleep. If one proceeds through the program in an orderly fashion it will be faster and more effective.

The Purification program does not supplant the actions described earlier in this booklet for persons currently on drugs who are apt to experience withdrawal symptoms when taken off of them. The program would be begun only after such technology was applied.

The purpose of this program is very simply to clean out and purify one’s system of all the accumulated impurities such as drugs, insecticides and pesticides, food preservatives, etc., which by their presence and restimulative effects could prevent or delay freeing the being spiritually through further Scientology processing. For someone who has taken LSD or angel dust this would include getting rid of any residual crystals from the body.

As the person goes through the Purification program, one should be able to see an improvement in his physical well-being as he rids the system of its accumulated impurities. The result of this program is a purified body, free from the impurities, drugs, etc., that had accumulated in it. We are not concerned with handling bodies with the Purification program, however. Our concern is freeing the individual up spiritually.

The Purification program is available under expert supervision in Scientology organizations and missions around the world. Also the book Clear Body, Clear Mind: The Effective Purification Program tells one exactly how this program is administered and describes all of its steps.

One should be able to get through the whole program in two weeks at five hours a day. Some will take more and some will take less.

With the Purification program we now have the means to get rapid recovery from the effects of the accumulation of the environmental chemical poisons as well as the medical drugs and street drugs which inhibit a person mentally and spiritually.

With the inclusion of vitamins, minerals and oils we are able to work toward restoring the biochemical balance of the body and make it possible for the body to reconstruct itself from the damage done by drugs and other biochemical substances.

The Drug Rundown

While the Purification program is a vital step in handling the effects of drugs, it is not a full handling in itself.

Complete freedom from drugs and their damaging consequences requires that a person also directly address the mental image pictures that are connected with having taken drugs. While the Purification program gets rid of drug residues that keep mental image pictures in constant restimulation, these pictures still exist. They can be restimulated by perceptions in the environment and affect the person adversely, below his awareness and out of his control, a factor that is both insidious and extremely detrimental.

The processing which directly deals with these pictures is called the Drug Rundown. It is delivered by highly trained practitioners in Scientology churches and missions.

A rundown is a series of steps designed to handle a specific aspect of a person’s life or difficulties and which has a known end result. The result of the Drug Rundown is freedom from the harmful effects of drugs, alcohol and medicine and freedom from the need to take them.

A person’s perceptions and recordings of the physical universe when on drugs are inaccurate, to say the least, as they are a combination of past events, imagination and the actual events which occurred at the time. A person can have pictures from past experiences tangled up with his present time perceptions. In essence, then, the pictures in his mind are scrambled to one degree or another. Thus his memory and his ability to think are both impaired.

The Drug Rundown handles several major aspects of past drug use. First, experiences the person had while taking drugs are directly addressed with precise procedures, which free up attention that became stuck on those experiences so they no longer affect him.

The more a person has had his attention freed from past incidents, the more able he is to deal with his life. He feels brighter, has increased perception, is better able to control himself and the things in his surroundings, and he becomes more able to rationally interact with others.

Another factor addressed by the Drug Rundown is that a person who has taken drugs also has a host of unpleasant physical, emotional and mental sensations connected with them. By discovering and examining the source of these, the harmful energy connected with them in the mind is released.

Finally, the processing gets right to the core of the matter and locates the basic reasons a person took drugs. A person originally turned to drugs for a reason—some physical suffering or hopelessness. The drug problem is thus essentially spiritual. The being was somehow suffering and drugs became a way to alleviate this.

The person looked upon drugs, alcohol or medicine as a cure for unwanted feelings or conditions—which could cover an almost infinite spectrum, and include anything from physical pains to anxiety to lack of confidence. One, therefore, has to find out what was actually wrong before drugs became his solution or “cure.”

If this original reason is not addressed, the need or compulsion to take drugs or medicine or alcohol remains. Processing not only effectively deals with the effects of drugs, but enables the person to discover and eradicate the causes which led him to take them in the first place, thereby completely eliminating any desire to use or depend on them in the future.

The Drug Rundown, therefore, deals with and handles the unwanted feelings the person had both during and prior to the use of drugs, alcohol or medicine. The compulsion to still use drugs or alcohol is removed so that the person has no need to ever again turn to them.

By completing this processing, the person is at last free from any effects of drugs.

A full resolution of the mental and spiritual damage from past drug use requires all these steps.


Only Scientology can fully handle the effects of drugs.

The means to get someone off drugs are now known—nutritional handling and Objective Processes which help the person get through any period of “drying out.”

The next action, then, is the Purification program. This program is for any person who has taken drugs or anyone subjected to toxic substances of any kind.

And after a person has successfully finished the Purification program, processing on the Drug Rundown fully completes handling of the mental and spiritual effects of drugs.

Without workable methods to handle the effects of drugs, many people are doomed to live in chemical shackles. While drugs may appear to have short-term benefits, they only mask problems, they don’t solve them.

Other drug rehabilitation approaches have failed mainly because of a lack of knowledge. They lack a true understanding of the mind, there is little or no understanding of man’s spiritual nature, and the effects of drugs upon the mind and the being are unknown. The result is a materialistic (“man is an animal”) approach which ignores these fundamental and crucial factors. All this adds up to proven unworkability.

Scientology, on the other hand, has a workable and extremely effective drug rehabilitation program because it addresses not only the correct problems, but the real sources of those problems.

Through understanding of the true nature of man, the methods to handle the biochemical, mental and spiritual factors of drugs do exist.

Scientology has the answers.


Here are exercises you can do to help increase your understanding of and ability to apply the data in this booklet.

1. Look around the place where you live or work and find examples of drugs or toxins. For instance, look at the labels of any products that may be in a medicine cabinet, or food labels, etc. Do this until you can easily recognize examples of drugs and toxins in your environment.

2. Look around your environment and note examples of the effects of drug use in society.

3. Obtain the ingredients for Cal-Mag and make a glass of it, following the 3directions in the booklet.

4. Find a friend or someone you know who has used drugs and process him on one of the Objective Processes given in this booklet until the person has good indicators and has had a cognition as a result of the process. Repeat this with other people you know until you feel confident in your ability to use these processes.

5. Educate someone on the subject of drugs using data from this booklet, with the end result that the person knows what drugs are and their effects, and the only effective solutions for them, as discovered in Scientology.


No more fitting statement typifies the life of L. Ron Hubbard than his simple declaration: “I like to help others and count it as my greatest pleasure in life to see a person free himself from the shadows which darken his days.” Behind these pivotal words stands a lifetime of service to mankind and a legacy of wisdom that enables anyone to attain long-cherished dreams of happiness and spiritual freedom.

Born in Tilden, Nebraska on March 13, 1911, his road of discovery and dedication to his fellows began at an early age. “I wanted other people to be happy, and could not understand why they weren’t,” he wrote of his youth; and therein lay the sentiments that would long guide his steps. By the age of nineteen, he had traveled more than a quarter of a million miles, examining the cultures of Java, Japan, India and the Philippines.

Returning to the United States in 1929, Ron resumed his formal education and studied mathematics, engineering and the then new field of nuclear physics—all providing vital tools for continued research. To finance that research, Ron embarked upon a literary career in the early 1930s, and soon became one of the most widely read authors of popular fiction. Yet never losing sight of his primary goal, he continued his mainline research through extensive travel and expeditions.

With the advent of World War II, he entered the United States Navy as a lieutenant (junior grade) and served as commander of antisubmarine corvettes. Left partially blind and lame from injuries sustained during combat, he was diagnosed as permanently disabled by 1945. Through application of his theories on the mind, however, he was not only able to help fellow servicemen, but also to regain his own health.

After five more years of intensive research, Ron’s discoveries were presented to the world in Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. The first popular handbook on the human mind expressly written for the man in the street, Dianetics ushered in a new era of hope for mankind and a new phase of life for its author. He did, however, not cease his research, and as breakthrough after breakthrough was carefully codified through late 1951, the applied religious philosophy of Scientology was born.

Because Scientology explains the whole of life, there is no aspect of man’s existence that L. Ron Hubbard’s subsequent work did not address. Residing variously in the United States and England, his continued research brought forth solutions to such social ills as declining educational standards and pandemic drug abuse.

All told, L. Ron Hubbard’s works on Scientology and Dianetics total forty million words of recorded lectures, books and writings. Together, these constitute the legacy of a lifetime that ended on January 24, 1986. Yet the passing of L. Ron Hubbard in no way constituted an end; for with a hundred million of his books in circulation and millions of people daily applying his technologies for betterment, it can truly be said the world still has no greater friend.


acknowledge: give (someone) an acknowledgment. See also acknowledgment in this glossary. acknowledgment: something said or done to inform another that his statement or action has been noted, understood and received.

auditing: same as processing. See processing in this glossary.

auditor: someone who is trained and qualified to apply Scientology processing to individuals for their benefit. The term comes from the Latin audire, “to lis-ten.” See also processing in this glossary.

cognition: a new realization about life. It is a “What do you know, I…” statement; something a person sud-denly understands or feels.

Drug Rundown: a series of processes that address the mental image pictures connected with having taken drugs. The result of the Drug Rundown is freedom from the harmful effects of drugs, alcohol and medi-cine, and freedom from the need to take them. havingness: the feeling that one owns or possesses; it can also be described as the concept of being able to reach or not being prevented from reaching. indicator: a condition or circumstance arising during a process which indicates (points out or shows) whether the process is going well or badly. For exam-ple, the person receiving the processing looking brighter or looking more cheerful would be good indi-cators. See also process in this glossary.

mental image pictures: three-dimensional color pic-tures with sound and smell and all other perceptions, plus the conclusions or speculations of the individual. They are mental copies of one’s perceptions sometime in the past, although in cases of unconsciousness or lessened consciousness they exist below the individ-ual’s awareness.

Objective Process: a type of process which helps a person direct his attention off himself and onto his environment and the people and things in it. Objective refers to outward things, not the thoughts or feelings of the individual. Objective Processes deal with the real and observable. They call for the person to spot or find something exterior to himself. See also process in this glossary.

present time: the time which is now and becomes the past as rapidly as it is observed. It is a term loosely applied to the environment existing in now.

process: an exact series of directions or sequence of actions taken to accomplish a desired result. processing: a special form of personal counseling, unique in Scientology, which helps an individual look at his own existence and improves his ability to confront what he is and where he is. Processing is a precise, thoroughly codified activity with exact procedures.

Purification Rundown: a program of exercise, sauna sweat-out, nutrition and properly ordered personal schedule. It cleans out and purifies one’s system of all the accumulated impurities such as drugs, insecticides and pesticides, food preservatives, etc., which by their presence and restimulative effects could prevent or delay freeing the being spiritually through Scientology processing.

reality: that which appears to be. Reality is fundamen-tally agreement; the degree of agreement reached by people. What we agree to be real is real. restimulation: the reactivation of a memory of a past unpleasant experience due to similar circumstances in the present approximating circumstances of the past. rundown: a series of steps designed to handle a spe-cific aspect of a person’s life or difficulties and which has a known end result.

Scientology: an applied religious philosophy devel-oped by L. Ron Hubbard. It is the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, universes and other life. The word Scientology comes from the Latin scio, which means “know” and the Greek word logos, meaning “the word or outward form by which the inward thought is expressed and made known.” Thus, Scientology means knowing about knowing. somatic: a word used in Scientology to designate any body sensation, illness, pain or discomfort. Soma means “body” in Greek.

thetan: the person himself—not his body or his name, the physical universe, his mind or anything else—it is that which is aware of being aware; the identity which is the individual. The term thetan was coined to elimi-nate any possible confusion with older, invalid concepts. It comes from the Greek letter theta which the Greeks used to represent thought or perhaps spirit, to which an n is added to make a noun in the modern style used to create words in engineering.

time track: the accumulated record of all one’s mental image pictures. See also mental image pictures in this glossary.

TR: abbreviation for Training Routine. See Training Routines in this glossary.

Training Routines: training drills that enable a per-son to improve his level of communication skill. By doing these drills any person’s ability to communicate with others can be vastly improved.

Bridge Publications, Inc.

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Scientology, Dianetics, Celebrity Centre, L. Ron Hubbard, Flag, Freewinds, the L. Ron Hubbard Signature, the Scientology Cross (rounded) and the Scientology Cross (pointed) are trademarks and service marks owned by Religious Technology Center and are used with its permission. Scientologist is a collective membership mark designating members of the affiliated churches and missions of Scientology.

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